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Our built urban society is in a state of constant expansion and contraction — either reaching further out into consuming added property, or rebuilding and morphing internally to compress more life into a tighter space. Every street corner is recycled, design is fabricated, cloned, and replicated in an environment that is mass-produced and thrust upon us in a new and vivid “Lego-Land” type urban-scape — a sort of architectural “Babel”, that rises, falls, and mutates repeatedly.
Sometimes these elements reflect a “big bang” of explosion and expansion, while other elements focus on compression, containment and collapse, like a “black hole.” There is a vibration in all things where components take on the appearance of solidity when we engage them daily, but are in fact an illusion affected by distortion over time and space. As social tastes shift, needs change, and natural conditions evolve, both man and nature vigorously transition “permanence” into something more fluid, distorted, or fractured.
The result is disorienting and uncertain, perhaps even invigorating, but it challenges personal perspectives where permanence is no longer guaranteed, or ever was — embracing an unsettling instability in ourselves and in the community and land around us. What we perceive as real, is not. What we feel as permanent, is gone. Our physical world is in constant flux, and change in time-dimension is ever-present.